Housing and accommodation
Accommodation at 18 years and older
There are a range of accommodation options available to you such as -
Staying Put
Remain living with your foster carer past the age of 18 up to the age of 21, this includes support if you go to university or into the armed forces. As you will be living with your foster carer as an adult we will help you develop a staying put agreement which details how you will contribute to household expenses and so on.
Staying Connected
If you are leaving residential care, you will be allocated a worker from Targeted Youth Support to work with you on your accommodation options, you will have access to a taster flat to give you an opportunity to practice independent living skills in a property with support. You will also continue to be supported by staff from the residential home.
Supported Lodgings
You can choose to rent a room in a house of a ‘host’ family, similar to staying put, this means you would be a lodger in the home.
Semi Independent accommodation
This is accommodation where you are provided with independent accommodation but are able to get extra help and support from staff. You will have your own room and shared the rest of the house with other young people, usually up to 2 or 3 young people.
Hull City Council tenancy
When you are ready to manage a tenancy, as a care leaver you will receive priority status for suitable social housing and we work with Targeted Youth Support and housing colleagues to support you.
Other Housing Association tenancy
If there is no social housing available Targeted Youth Support and housing will work with other housing associations to consider suitable accommodation for you.
Private arrangement
If you chose to enter private rented accommodation, we will offer support and advice.
Adult service provision including Shared Lives
If you need extra support with independent living, Shared Lives provides trained carers who may be your foster carers who offer extra help and support in different way to meet your specific needs. This arrangement could continue indefinitely or until you feel ready to live independently or other supported accommodation.
Your personal advisor will work with you to try and ensure you have a place to call home and that you feel safe and secure. The accommodation providers we use will work with you to test out your commitment and develop the skills you need to live independently.
Get in touch
Monday to Thursday - 9am to 5pm, Friday - 9am to 4.30pm
Out of hours
Emergency only contact - Emergency Duty Team