Housing and accommodation
Somewhere to live
Having somewhere to call home which is -
- safe
- secure
- warm
is very important. We will work with you to try and make sure that you have somewhere suitable to live, so that you can have some stability which will enable you to concentrate on things like education and your health. We will ensure that Pathway Planning and reviews are focused but realistic in relation to your accommodation needs and steps towards independence.
We will provide you with a setting up home allowance to buy the essential things you need to start off in your own accommodation.
We will help support you to obtain band B status with Hull City Council and in conjunction with housing and Targeted Youth Support offer floating support to help you maintain your tenancy if you require it.
University and vacation accommodation
The Leaving Care team will ensure that you access to all of the relevant support available to you around attending University. This could mean living in halls of residence or other accommodation depending on your circumstances. We will also ensure that you have somewhere to stay during academic breaks.
Release from custody
A support worker will work with you from either -
- Leaving Care
- Probation
- Target Youth Support (young people’s housing)
and will work in partnership with the other services to ensure that there is a suitable plan for your release from custody.
Homelessness and Emergency Accommodation
If you -
- come into difficulty around your accommodation and are homeless
- or you become at risk of being made homeless
you can access advice and support through housing related services and the single point of coordination.
This support is provided by the Targeted Youth Support Team based at Kenworthy House. You should contact your personal advisor as soon as possible to complete a referral form and arrange a meeting to look into your situation.
Targeted Youth Support will help to identify suitable emergency accommodation and will also complete a Personalised Housing Plan in conjunction with your personal advisor which will help you to plan your journey towards more settled accommodation.
If you continue to struggle with being homeless and finding accommodation then, with your approval, your personal advisor will refer you to the Specialist Accommodation Support team who will allocate you a support worker to work with you in respect of accommodation. If necessary, they can also mediate on your behalf when there are any tenancy issues.
Enhanced Housing Offer with Hull City Council
If deemed appropriate and you are assessed as ready for independent living, your personal advisor will support you to apply for a priority banding such as band B and you will be able to bid on properties. Your personal advisor can help you with this if you are not sure.
Once allocated a Hull City Council property as a care leaver you will be entitled to -
- 2 rent free weeks
- connection of a cooker to be arranged and paid for by housing as part of the sign up process
- blinds fitted at windows
- properties to be painted throughout, unless they are in good condition
- no charge for a replacement wheelie bin if it is stolen prior to move in date
- you will have a named officer for all tenancy and housing related issues
In preparation for living independently your personal advisor can refer you for the 12 step Independence Skills programme if deemed appropriate.
Get in touch
Monday to Thursday - 9am to 5pm, Friday - 9am to 4.30pm
Out of hours
Emergency only contact - Emergency Duty Team