Lisa Hunter

An image of Lisa

Hello my name is Lisa and I have been a part of the Leaving Care Team since it was founded in May 1999.

I started out in the team as a Personal Advisor and am proud to be still here 25 years on as a Team Manager. I live and breathe leaving care it is in my blood and the staff are amazing (Biased I know).

I have lived and worked in Hull all my life and I am proud that I was brought up on the Bransholme council estate as I think it has kept me grounded all these years. I started out as a Trainee painter and decorator which is a good skill to have all these years on. I then moved into working for the Council at Hull sports development which fulfilled my passion for playing and taking part in sports and outdoor pursuits. I love working with young people and trying to advocate for better services, we have come a long way for Care Leavers.

I was honoured to represent my Country playing for Great Britain in the first ever Women’s rugby league tour to Australia in 1996 (yes that was a long time ago) so I was one of the early pioneers of the sport and it is great to see how much Women’s sports has progressed today.

I love a challenge as when you’re getting old like me you need to keep moving so I relax by taking to the Great outdoors, there's nothing better than climbing a challenging mountain or canoeing and swimming in a big lake, and of course when in the outdoors you need a dog, so I always take my little Sprocker Spaniel Lunatic with me. She loves going away in my campervan and chasing things.

Favourite quote

“Nothing is Impossible. The word itself says I’m Possible!”

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Get in touch

Monday to Thursday - 9am to 5pm, Friday - 9am to 4.30pm

Address: Kenworthy House, 98-104 George Street, Hull, HU1 3DT

Telephone: 01482 615 650